All #Vulnerability Articles

WorstFit: Unveiling Hidden Transformers in Windows ANSI!



The research unveils a new attack surface in Windows by exploiting Best-Fit, an internal charset conversion feature. Through our work, we successfully transformed this feature into several practical attacks, including Path Traversal, Argument Injection, and even RCE, affecting numerous well-known applications!

Confusion Attacks: Exploiting Hidden Semantic Ambiguity in Apache HTTP Server!



This article explores architectural issues within the Apache HTTP Server, highlighting several technical debts within Httpd, including 3 types of Confusion Attacks, 9 new vulnerabilities, 20 exploitation techniques, and over 30 case studies. The content includes, but is not limited to: 1. How a single ? can bypass Httpd's built-in access control and authentication. 2. How unsafe RewriteRules can escape the Web Root and access the entire filesystem. 3. How to leverage a piece of code from 1996 to transform an XSS into RCE.

Sandstorm Security Review



In order to leverage the vulnerabilities, we put part of efforts into review of Sandstorm's source codes, and tried to escape the sandbox to impact the whole server...