Orange Tsai

Principal Security Researcher

I am Orange : )


Confusion Attacks: Exploiting Hidden Semantic Ambiguity in Apache HTTP Server!


這篇文章探索了 Apache HTTP Server 中存在的架構問題,介紹了數個 Httpd 的架構債,包含 3 種不同的 Confusion Attacks、9 個新漏洞、20 種攻擊手法以及超過 30 種案例分析。 包括但不限於: 1. 怎麼使用一個 ? 繞過 Httpd 內建的存取控制以及認證。 2. 不安全的 RewriteRule 怎麼跳脫 Web Root 並存取整個檔案系統。 3. 如何利用一段從 1996 遺留至今的程式碼把一個 XSS 轉化成 RCE。

Confusion Attacks: Exploiting Hidden Semantic Ambiguity in Apache HTTP Server!


This article explores architectural issues within the Apache HTTP Server, highlighting several technical debts within Httpd, including 3 types of Confusion Attacks, 9 new vulnerabilities, 20 exploitation techniques, and over 30 case studies. The content includes, but is not limited to: 1. How a single ? can bypass Httpd's built-in access control and authentication. 2. How unsafe RewriteRules can escape the Web Root and access the entire filesystem. 3. How to leverage a piece of code from 1996 to transform an XSS into RCE.

A New Attack Surface on MS Exchange Part 4 - ProxyRelay!


With the prior knowledge in mind, I come up with a simple idea. It’s common to see multiple Exchange Servers in corporate networks for high availability and site resilience. Can we relay the NTLM authentication among Exchange Servers?

看我如何再一次駭進 Facebook,一個在 MobileIron MDM 上的遠端程式碼執行漏洞!


嗨! 好久不見,這是我在今年年初的研究,講述如何尋找一款知名行動裝置管理產品的漏洞,並繞過層層保護取得遠端程式碼執行的故事! 其中的漏洞經回報後在六月由官方釋出修補程式並緊急通知他們的客戶,而我們也在修補程式釋出 15 天後發現 Facebook 並未及時更新,因此透過漏洞取得伺服器權限並回報給 Facebook!

How I Hacked Facebook Again! Unauthenticated RCE on MobileIron MDM


This post is about my research this March, which talks about how I found vulnerabilities on a leading Mobile Device Management product and bypassed several limitations to achieve unauthenticated RCE. All the vulnerabilities have been reported to the vendor and got fixed in June. After that, we kept monitoring large corporations to track the overall fixing progress and then found that Facebook didn't keep up with the patch for more than 2 weeks, so we dropped a shell on Facebook and reported to their Bug Bounty program!

Hacking Jenkins Part 2 - Abusing Meta Programming for Unauthenticated RCE!


直到 Jenkins 在 2018-12-05 發佈的 Security Advisory 修復了前述我所回報的動態路由漏洞! 為了開始撰寫這份技術文章(Hacking Jenkins 系列文),我重新複習了一次當初進行代碼審查的筆記,當中對其中一個跳板(gadget)想到了一個不一樣的利用方式,因而有了這篇故事! 這也是近期我所寫過覺得比較有趣的漏洞之一,非常推薦可以仔細閱讀一下!

Hacking Jenkins Part 2 - Abusing Meta Programming for Unauthenticated RCE!(EN)


After Jenkins released the [Security Advisory]( and fixed the dynamic routing vulnerability on 2018-12-05, I started to organize my notes in order to write this Hacking Jenkins series. While reviewing notes, I found another exploitation way on a gadget that I failed to exploit before! Therefore, the part two is the story for that! This is also one of my favorite exploits and is really worth reading :)

Hacking Jenkins Part 1 - Play with Dynamic Routing


這篇文章主要是分享去年中針對 Jenkins 所做的一次簡單 Security Review, 過程中共發現了五個 CVE 如下: CVE-2018-1999002(Arbitrary file read vulnerability), CVE-2018-1000600(CSRF and missing permission checks in GitHub Plugin), CVE-2018-1999046(Unauthorized users could access agent logs), CVE-2018-1000861(Code execution through crafted URLs), CVE-2019-pending(Sandbox Bypass in Script Security and Pipeline Plugins)

Hacking Jenkins Part 1 - Play with Dynamic Routing (EN)


This article is mainly about a brief security review on Jenkins in the last year. During this review, we found 5 vulnerabilities including: CVE-2018-1999002(Arbitrary file read vulnerability), CVE-2018-1000600(CSRF and missing permission checks in GitHub Plugin), CVE-2018-1999046(Unauthorized users could access agent logs), CVE-2018-1000861(Code execution through crafted URLs), CVE-2019-pending(Sandbox Bypass in Script Security and Pipeline Plugins)

Accellion File Transfer Appliance 弱點報告


根據公開資料掃描,全球共發現 1217 台 FTA 存活主機,主要分布地點為美國,其次加拿大、澳洲、英國與新加坡。 根據存活主機的域名、SSL Certificate 發現 FTA 使用客戶遍及政府、教育、企業等領域,其中不乏一些知名品牌。

Advisory: Accellion File Transfer Appliance Vulnerability


According to a public data reconnaissance, there are currently 1,217 FTA servers online around the world, most of which are located in the US, followed by Canada, Australia, UK, and Singapore. Determine from the domain name and SSL Certificate of these servers, FTA is widely used by governmental bodies, educational institutions, enterprises, including several well-known brands.

滲透 Facebook 的思路與發現


從滲透的角度看待 Bug Bounty,從如何定位出目標到找出 Facebook 遠端代碼執行漏洞,並在過程中發現其他駭客的足跡...